Although DGE (Distributors Group Europe) and its members strives to provide reliable and timely information on this website, DGE and members can not guarantee that the information is correct at the time it is received or that the information is correct in the context in which it is used. The information offered on or through this website can be changed in content and presentation regularly with immediate effect and without notice.


By accessing this website and / or on or via this website using information, you agree to be bound by the following: DGE and members cannot accept any liability for the use of the information, nor for damage (in whatever form), directly or indirectly caused by the use of this site. DGE and members does not accept any liability for errors and incorrect information from third parties to which this site refers. DGE and members can not guarantee the accuracy or any other aspect of this information.


Certain hyperlinks on this website refer to third party websites that DGE and members does not control. DGE and members therefore can not guarantee the accuracy of these links or any other aspect of the information on the websites.


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This disclaimer is considered part of the internet publication relating to this website. When certain statements on this website are incorrect and / or in conflict with the law, it has no effect or influence on other statements made elsewhere on this site.

For more information or questions please Contact DGE.