Leading the way in automotive lubrication

automotive lubrication

How Krytox™ Performance Lubricants Are Driving Increased Performance in the Automotive Industry

Demanding Performance

The heat is on for automotive design engineers. Demands are coming in thick and fast from management, consumers and regulatory bodies. And, those demands – whether for increased performance or reduced emissions – can often be conflicting.

It is tempting for engineers to see industrial lubricants as solutions to resolve specific engineering issues that arise during the testing and production stages. But, lubricants should be viewed as more than simple “fixes”; instead, they have a vital role to play in the design process from start to finish.

Complex Challenges Need Clever Solutions

Automotive engineers will be familiar with the long list of must-haves that they are given when designing or updating vehicles. Smaller engines have to work harder. Fuel economy must be improved; emissions decreased; performance and reliability boosted. And, of course, there is the constant pressure to cut costs whilst achieving these goals.

This can cause friction – both literally and metaphorically. Thankfully, advances in technology and materials are helping design engineers find solutions to the challenges they are faced with. Lightness and strength have been key factors at every step.

But, as new components and materials come on stream, we see the need for these different elements to work together with as little friction as possible. That’s why lubrication is so important.

Leading With Automotive Lubrication

The tendency amongst design engineers is to try and “design out” the need for lubrication. However, the simple fact is that the need for it does and always will exist. It is much more efficient and cost-effective to design in a lubrication solution from the outset rather than retrofit this at a later date.

That’s why we recommend that OEM and Tier 1 suppliers work with industry experts such as Krytox™ Performance Lubricants to achieve the best result.

The Application of Efficiency

The higher the performance and specifications demanded, the higher the temperatures and tolerances that have to be dealt with. In the engine, every ounce of performance has to be squeezed out.

While inside the cabin, the slightest squeak, noise or operational harshness is cause for concern.

As an industry leader in automotive lubrication solutions, Krytox™ Performance Lubricants have a long track record of being used to improve performance where needed.

From bearing to weather stripping; from emission control systems to window motors; we’ve got a wide range of ways to help design engineers to meet performance targets.

The Future Is Fluid

We don’t know the future of the automotive industry. Driverless cars will inevitably be part of it. The internal combustion engine may become redundant as fully electric vehicles take over.

But, one thing we do know is that the demands on car makers will increase over time – and that means the demands on design engineers within the industry will follow suit.

Just as they are now, durability, reliability, efficiency, performance and economy will all become paramount and drive new innovation.

Regulations and legislation for emissions and safety will become more stringent which will also spur on new advances in engineering technology.

More components, made from more materials, will be used to achieve all of these goals. As a result, automotive lubrication will become even more essential as a tool used by engineers to meet their targets.

Wherever there are parts – lubrication can make them work better together.

With this in mind, it makes sound sense to choose a lubrication partner who not only has a track record of success and years of experience in the automotive industry, but an ethos of constant innovation. A partner like Krytox™.

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